Use Case – Intrinsic Automation Replay Technology

Intrinsic Automation was in a bind. They needed live replay technology in their Virtual Reality engine in under one month. They wanted to animate 3D models live and replay their actions in-game. They asked us to do what seemed like the impossible. We delivered and on time.


IA was in a bind. They came to us urgently because they had a showing of their engine in a month. No team before them could come up with an elegant solution. We gave them an estimate based on man hours and we quickly got to work.


We studied the game engine source code in order to quickly invent a solution.

Work Begins March 1st

Our team used Git and their in-house Bonobo Server to pull and make changes across multiple branches during the development process. We communicated via their Slack channel and occasionally e-mail.

Completed April 15th

The engine could now support in-game recording of actions and play them back on selected entities.

In-game recordings work in the editor too.

You need something similar


Featured in this project:

  • 3D
  • Unreal Engine
  • C++
  • C#
  • UE Plugins